Think Like a Boss Mastermind

Hey Confident Lady did you hear? 

Enrollment is open for my Spring 2020 Mastermind and would love to invite YOU to join us! This is a six month experience with lots of 1:1 and group coaching, trainings, accountability + sisterhood to help you clear out what is no longer serving you, get into a mindset of abundance and up-level your confidence so that you can get your business to a whole other level.

 I look forward to discussing your big 2020 goals and how the Mastermind can help you get there!

Let’s Go From Invisible to Impactful Course

My signature course

I am going to teach you how to break through what's been holding you back and give you the tools to start showing up as a leader, CONFIDENTLY and unapologetically, and begin making an IMPACT on your tribe.

Make Up Your Mind + Manifest Course


This is my brand spankin new course ALL ON DECISION MAKING! No more sitting on the fence waiting for clarity to arrive, we are going to take calculated and inspired steps together to work toward making your goals a reality.

The Confident Ladies Club® Accelerator

Now open!

The Confident Ladies Club® Accelerator gives you LIFETIME access to my ENTIRE library of workbooks, masterclasses, my signature Visibility Course, and challenges - all geared toward helping YOU create a mindset for success!

 Make Up Your Mind and Manifest Workshop

Thinking Like a Boss Kate Crocco

Hi I’m Kate. Author. Psychotherapist. Business Mindset Coach. Podcaster. I’m also a human who passionately loves people and truly believes everyone is capable of working through the limiting mindsets that hold them back from infinite possibilities in their life and business.


No more sitting on the fence waiting for clarity to arrive, the Make Up Your Mind and Manifest training shares Kate’s 6-step formula to go from indecision to manifesting your dreams. Kate will teach you the six steps for taking calculated action to make your dreams a reality.

Have you ever looked back and said to yourself “if only I had started………”

✖️that podcast

✖️that book manuscript

✖️that masters program

✖️prioritizing myself

✖️that course creation or product development

✖️saying no to ___________________

✖️___________________ {fill in the blank with your own!}

Everyone can raise their hand to at least one dream they’ve been putting off. And rather than allowing the guilt to takeover (again), I will teach you how to state the fear, move beyond it, and take the action necessary to manifest what it is that you really desire in your life and business.

Sitting in indecision and writing in your journal 100x’s “I will manifest _______” is not the way to get what you want. Wishful thinking manifesting leaves us feeling powerless, like we have absolutely no control over our life or business outcomes. And I want you to know that you absolutely have the power to work toward getting what it is that you want. After working with hundreds of women, I’ve identified the key steps in getting what it is that you want.



learning objectives & key takeaways

  • Getting clear on what’s no longer serving you

  • Identifying your future leader self

  • Excavating the should, needs, haves

  • Taking aligned action

  • Consistency

  • Leaving the rest is the test



What you get

  • 60-minute live OR pre-recorded training

  • 30-minute Q + A session

  • Each participant will get access to my Make Up Your Mind + Manifest Course to continue the work through video trainings, worksheets, and weekly challenges ($297 value per person)


About Kate


Kate Crocco, LCSW, is a psychotherapist, confidence and mindset coach, author, and podcaster. She has coached thousands of women through one-on-one, group, and mastermind programs, as well as through her Confident Ladies Club community. Her first book (of three), Thinking Like a Boss released with Baker Books in February 2020. She is the host of a weekly podcast, Thinking Like a Boss, where she shares and equips entrepreneurs to stop believing the lies holding them back from success and to begin believing the truth that they are capable of turning their dreams into their reality. Kate’s mission is to empower women to go after their dreams by helping them break down the walls and fears that have been holding them back from greatness through lovingly challenging them to step into the best version of themselves. Kate currently resides in New York with her husband, her two sweet girls, and her rescue pup, Turbo.


 Please fill out the form below and Kate’s team will be in contact shortly.