Episode #83: The number three person you need to set boundaries with (Boundaries Like a Boss Part 4)

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This week on the Thinking Like a Boss Podcast, we are continuing with part four of our four part series on Boundaries Like a Boss. After listening to Episode #81 and #82, we know we need to set boundaries with ourselves, friends, and family. We conclude this series with the number three person to set boundaries with - clients, potential clients, and strangers on the internet. 

If we want to show up at our highest level in our businesses, we need to protect our energy. When we feel burned out, we’re not as confident and it’s hard to stay on top of our game. Our time (and our family’s time) is precious, so we need to learn to be selective about what we fill it with. Also,  when we hold tight to our  boundaries, we are modeling good leadership for our clients as well.

In this episode, Kate talks about the top three reasons you need to set these boundaries, four ways to protect your energy, and how to not tie your worth to your clients’ success.

What You’ll Learn in This Episode: 

  • (2:00) The top three reasons why we need boundaries with clients and people on the internet

  • (8:50) Four easy ways to set limits that protect your energy

  • (10:50) What Kate’s email autoresponder looks like

  • (16:40) The benefits of having a resource page

  • (20:21) How and why to remind clients where their success comes from

  • (23:53) How these boundaries will save you time

Words of Wisdom: 

-- You can always change and shift your boundaries

-- Your clients create their own success

-- Invest the time into boundaries NOW so life is EASIER later

For more on this topic check out my book, Thinking Like a Boss: Uncover and Overcome the Lies Holding You Back from Success, available to order now at all major bookstores!

Check out the other episodes in this series: 

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