Happy Tuesday Confident Lady,
This week we are talking a little bit of a controversial subject in the business world…...Consumption VS Creation. It’s only natural in the business world to SELL right? We are plagued with a mindset of always needing to “learn more” and “consume more”. You’ve been told before, “it didn’t work because you just haven’t taken MY course before. Once you take MINE, your life and/or business will change”. I call BS. The problem these days is NOT that you haven’t learned enough, it’s that you most likely are consuming TOO MUCH and not taking the time to take what you learned to create what it is you want to create.
Can any of you agree? Have you taken program after program, course after course, read e-book after e-book and still haven’t created that special signature coaching program or had the sales you're desiring? Still haven’t written your own book? Still haven’t opened your clothing boutique? Still haven’t taken your real estate exam? You get it. The list goes on.
This is going to be a very basic + simple blog post for you today (yay!).
My advice: Take 3 months off from CONSUMING. Put down the book. Shut the computer. Put those course modules on hold. Yeah, I know I’m crazy-- I sell workbooks and a visibility course. But you know what? I don’t care. What I do care about is seeing you take what you already have, growing your confidence in your abilities, and going out there and DOING.
Last summer I challenged a few of my clients to take June, July + August off from consuming and learning. To take this time and work on what they already have and put it to use. Create what they’ve been wanting to create. Or even as simple as selling what they already have, but have neglected to promote because they've been so fixated on learning and adding more. Many of my ladies said this would be impossible, yet found it enticing.
I told them to trust me. And guess what? They booked new clients, they had more space to connect with others and were inviting to collaborate, they got more visible. ALL positives that would have been easy to neglect if they were stuck in learning mode.
As my girl Marie Forleo would say……”Here’s a tweetable for ya today”…..
“Consumption = Counterproductive unless you give yourself time to implement” --Kate Crocco
Did this hit home today? How confident are you in your abilities? Do you know you have plenty of knowledge and wisdom to be successful EXACTLY where you are? If not, what would it take to get you to that place and how would it change your life if you DID get that that place?? What type of support and accountability would you need to help keep you on that path?
Comment below and share with me! If think you might be ready to get some support with this, shoot an email to me at kate@katecrocco.com and we will chat about some ways I can support you in getting confident in what is already within you.
Make sure to head on over to my YouTube channel to check out the video I did on this topic as well!
Blessings + Abundance,
XO Kate