If you’re anything like me, you still have big dreams

Maybe those dreams have been dusty on a shelf for some time, but deep down, you feel a tug, that as precious as motherhood is, you have an additional calling that you haven’t yet fulfilled. Maybe it’s to write a book or start a blog or begin learning a hobby. Maybe it’s to teach a homeschool history class or even gather a group of mamas and lead a bible study.

Whatever that dream is, it wasn’t placed on your heart by accident..

Maybe you’re simply too exhausted to start dreaming. Or you have no idea how to begin after your dreams had been shattered or at stolen over the last few years. I get it— and trust me, I’ve been there too. As someone who can relate , plus my training as a psychotherapist, I’m your girl to help. I not only have been practicing as an LCSW for 10+ years, but also coached thousands of women as a business mindset coach through 1:1 coaching, Masterminds, and Retreats, books, courses, and programs.


Let's Dream Again

I know you're a busy Mom, so to save you some time, I'll send my monthly recap straight to your inbox. My tips, experiences, and advice about motherhood and dreaming are all yours!

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    Please reach out via my Psychology Today profile. I’d love to offer you a 15-minute call to see if we are a good fit for what you are needing support around.

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    Mindset Reset Intensive

    If you are looking for support in your business, you can simply book a 75-minute Deep Dive Intensive of your business.

    My Books


    The Accidental Homeschool Mama

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